Tα εγκλήματα στα σύνορα δικά τους, οι νεκροί δικοί μας!
Δεκαεννέα πρόσφυγες βρέθηκαν νεκροί χωρίς τα ρούχα τους στην τουρκική πλευρά των ελληνοτουρκικών συνόρων κοντά στα Ύψαλα. Το ταξίδι των προσφύγων που προσπαθούσαν να ξεφύγουν από τον πόλεμο, την πείνα και τον θάνατο από τις κατεστραμμένες χώρες τους προς την ΕΕ τελείωσε στα σύνορα της Ευρώπης-φρούριο.
Χιλιάδες πρόσφυγες έχουν παγιδευτεί στην Τουρκία και την Ελλάδα λόγω της Κοινής Δήλωσης ΕΕ-Τουρκίας. Αυτή η πολιτική ενισχύθηκε μετά την ήττα των ΗΠΑ στο Αφγανιστάν, οδηγώντας την τουρκική κυβέρνηση να χτίσει ένα νέο φράχτη 140 χιλιομέτρων στα σύνορα με το Ιράν και την ελληνική κυβέρνηση να επεκτείνει τον φράχτη στον ποταμό Έβρο και να ενισχύσει την παρουσία της FRONTEX και της ελληνικής ακτοφυλακής υιοθετώντας μεθόδους μαζικών επαναπροωθήσεων.
Ως αντιρατσιστικά κινήματα και στα δύο μέρη του Αιγαίου, είμαστε συγκλονισμένοι από τους θανάτους προσφύγων από τη βύθιση σκαφών και τις μεθόδους παραβίασης του δικαιώματος των αιτούντων άσυλο σε πρωτοφανή κλίμακα μετά τον Β' Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, ακυρώνοντας ουσιαστικά τη Σύμβαση της Γενεύης και στις δύο πλευρές του Αιγαίου.
Agression fasciste contre la KEERFA avec la couverture de la police à la place de Néo Iraklio
La KEERFA (Mouvement contre le Racisme et la Menace Fasciste) dénonce l’attaque d’un groupe de fascistes Dimanche 3 Octobre lors d’une réunion de la KEERFA sur la place de Néo Iraklio. Il s’agissait d’une réunion appelée à l’occasion de la condamnation historique de la bande nazie de Chrysi Avgi il y a un an et pour l’organisation de la manifestation antifasciste du 9 Octobre.
Les fascistes, encouragés par la tolérance du gouvernement lors des attaques fascistes a Stavroupoli, Salonique contre des membres de la KNE (Jeunesse Communiste), essaient de réorganiser des bataillons dans les quartiers.
Fascist attack against KEERFA with the cover of the Theodorikakos Police in New Heraklion Square
KEERFA ( Movement Against Racism and the Fascist Threat), denounces an attack by a group of fascists on Sunday, October 3, at KEERFA’s event in the square at the New Heraklion section of Athens. It was an event organized by to commemorate the one year since the historic condemnation of the Nazi gang of Golden Dawn and in preparation for the big upcoming anti-fascist rally on October 9. The fascists are encouraged by the government's tolerance of the recent fascist attacks in Stavroupoli in Thessaloniki at the expense of the KNE militants (Communist Party Youth), and are trying to re-establish themselves in the neighborhoods with storm troops.
Before the start of the event, and while members of KEERFA were setting up for the meeting and calling through the mic on bystanders to participate, a group of 15-20 fascists, members of the local Golden Dawn branch, attacked in military-type assault, armed with batons and helmets, the members of KEERFA. They caused injuries to 4 of them, who were transferred to the hospital Evangelismos. They destroyed tables with political material and parts of the sound amplification system. They staged Nazi-style salutes as there were orders given to start and to end the attack. Among the injured is the journalist of Workers Solidarity and the municipal councilor of the Maroussi municipality, Aphrodite Frangou.
The response was immediate from the neighborhood people. Dozens of people came to the square from the surrounding cafes and chased the fascists in the surrounding alleys.
1er mai - Journée des travailleur-e-s
Jeudi 6 mai, Grève générale, Rassemblement, Plateia Klafthmonos, 10h30, Métro Panepistimio, https://www.google.com/maps/place/%CE%A0%CE%BB%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%B1+%CE%9A%CE%BB%CE%B1%CF%85%CE%B8%CE%BC%CF%8E%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%82+(%CE%95%CE%B8%CE%BD%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%AE%CF%82+%CE%A3%CF%85%CE%BC%CF%86%CE%B9%CE%BB%CE%AF%CF%89%CF%83%CE%B7%CF%82)/@37.979464,23.7292081,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x14a1bd3bbc9591e9:0x1cb444020f7984f0!8m2!3d37.979464!4d23.7313968?fbclid=IwAR3Wb07WhiHLdb5Ny-ZwXKidvXj5fHHiAazAiCe-U9ZshH6RsirN-rgmSyI
La grève et la manifestation du 1er mai de cette année seront déplacées au jeudi 6 mai en raison de Pâques.
Nous continuons à lutter contre le racisme!
Fermer les camps de concentration, dans lesquels le racisme du gouvernement et de la police a tué Macky Diabaté et Ibrahim Ergun.
Évacuer les camps et amener tous les réfugiés dans les villes et les quartiers, dans de véritables maisons.
Papiers, asile, travail, éducation et soins pour tous!
Avec les syndicats, partout dans le monde, nous luttons pour une société sans exploitation, sans oppression, sans guerres, sans dictatures, sans sexisme, sans racisme et sans fascisme!
MAY DAY 2021, Thursday 6 May General Strike, Demonstration,
Plateia Klafthmonos,10.30am ,Metro Panepistimio, https://www.google.com/maps/place/%CE%A0%CE%BB%CE%B1%CF%84%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%B1+%CE%9A%CE%BB%CE%B1%CF%85%CE%B8%CE%BC%CF%8E%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%82+(%CE%95%CE%B8%CE%BD%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%AE%CF%82+%CE%A3%CF%85%CE%BC%CF%86%CE%B9%CE%BB%CE%AF%CF%89%CF%83%CE%B7%CF%82)/@37.979464,23.7292081,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x14a1bd3bbc9591e9:0x1cb444020f7984f0!8m2!3d37.979464!4d23.7313968?fbclid=IwAR3Wb07WhiHLdb5Ny-ZwXKidvXj5fHHiAazAiCe-U9ZshH6RsirN-rgmSyI
The strike and demonstration for May 1st this year will be moved to Thursday, May 6 due to Easter. We continue to fight against racism! To close the concentration camps, in which the racism of the government and the Police killed Maki Diabate and Ibrahim Ergun.
To evacuate the camps and bring all the refugees to the cities and neighborhoods, to proper houses. For papers, asylum, work, education and health for all!
Νo cut for the cash card for refugees outside the camps!
No walls around the camps!
Together with the unions, all over the world we are fighting for a society without exploitation, oppression, wars, dictatorships, sexism, racism and fascism!
Refugees welcome! 6 languages newspaper for the camps calling for the 20 of march demonstrations: english, french, arabic, farci, urdu, bagla
ΚΕΕΡFA-Movement United Against Racism and the Fascist threat
Antifascist Strike Demostration ADEDY, Wednday 7/10, 8.30-12.30, METRO AMPELOKIPI 9 AM
KEERFA-Κίνηση Ενωμένοι Ενάντια στο Ρατσισμό και τη Φασιστική Απειλή
Grève antifasciste et rassemblement
Arrêt de travail de la Confédération de la Fonction Publique de 8h30 à 11h30
Jour où sera entendue la décision du jury au procès de Chrissi Avgi
Devant la cour de cassation à 9h30
Avenue Alexandras et rue Loukareos
Rendez-vous à 9h au métro Ampelokipoi
Les néonazis de Chrissi Avgi en prison
Solidarité avec les réfugiés
Open Meeting
to organize the mobilization against refugee evictions and the government’s racist campaign
Thursday, June 11, 7pm, at the roof of 47 Aiolou str.
With the inspiration and rage of the US’s uprise against racism, following the murder of George Floyd, we fight against Trump’s friends in Greece: Mitsotakis and Mitarakis.
We have started the fight against the evictions, which Mitarakis stated will begin in June 2020, of 11000 refugees from the camps and the ESTIA apartments. We will not allow them to move forward with this disgrace, by kicking thousands of families, single women and disabled people out in the streets and parks, and take children away from their schools. Instead of assimilating them in our society, without social and racist prejudice, teaching them Greek, and offering them access to work and housing, Mitarakis is attempting to unfold a refugee extermination plan, building new concentration camps on islands and in the mainland, and throwing refugees out in the streets.
At the same time, he stops the refugees’ allowance from the first month they are granted asylum, while the asylum seekers will only be able to buy products from super markets, instead of getting an allowance.
The refugees are fighting for a house for their family, not for evictions. The solidarity movement demands that the municipalities provide housing for all: refugees, Roma and homeless people.
The government used the CoViD-19 pandemic to spill its poison against the refugees. They held thousands inside closed camps, with no sanitary provision, instead of evacuating the camps and giving houses to everyone. Meanwhile, their access to healthcare is getting even more difficult, with the abolition of the granting of AMKA (Social Security Number).
The government is trying to escalate its racist campaign, with Police “sweeps” of immigrants without papers, the expansion of Evros’ wall, illegal deportations through a parastatal mechanism, with a mock asylum granting process, for which the conditions for asylum qualification have become unreachable.
Now is the time to be heard, for the workers’ movement, the youth, the solidarity to those fleeing wars, hunger, dictatorships and climate change.
KEERFA, along with refugee committees from the camps, is calling the immigrant communities, the workers’ and students’ unions, people of science and art, solidarity movements, women’s and LGBT+ movements, environmental movements and municipal parties to an open meeting, to organize two days of action, June 26-27, featuring an anti-racist demonstration on Friday, June 26, at Syntagma, and a big festival on Saturday, June 27.
Called by KEERFA - Movement ‘United Against Racism and the Fascist Threat’, Refugee Committees from the camps, the Pakistan Community of Greece ‘Unity’, the Cameroon Community of Greece, people of science and art, municipal parties, unions.
To take part remotely, you can connect via Zoom.
Reach us at Tel.: 6932828964, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Evacuate the camps!
Housing for the refugees!
Watch live, on KEERFA's Facebook page.
- Communication with refugees and solidaries from the camps of Corinth, Malakasa, Schisto, Moria.
- Abdul Aziz, Nauru island detainee for 7 years
- Workers from refugee facilities
- Thrasos Avraam, Journalist of “Sto Nisi”, Lesvos
- Juana Stavrianou, hotel employee, Anti-capitalist Movement of Workers in Food Provision and Tourism “Kamariera”
- Katerina Thoidou, City Counselor in Nikaia-Renti
- Nikos Hatzaras, Help at Home, Central Macedonia
- Petros Constantinou, Coordinator of KEERFA
-Ulrike Schmidt, Amnesty International UK
Weyman Bennett, Stand Up to Racism
The government that detained thousands of refugees in all its Morias and Amygdalezas, is cynically ignoring the danger of CoViD-19’s spreading through the dangerously congested camps. The solidarity movement, along with unions and municipal parties, the international movements, Amnesty International and Doctors Without Borders urgently demand the evacuation of the camps.
The government is voting harsher laws regarding the asylum, courting its far-right audience, but they are weak. They were forced to take back their decision to create two new, closed camps, at Malakasa (outside Athens) and Kleidi (Serres), and to freeze the asylum application processes.
There is an alternative: To transfer the refugees to hotels that are not in business, as well as houses. The Ministry of Labour has publicly owned hotels and houses that can be used immediately.
Join us on our event, that will be streamed live, via KEERFA's Facebook page!
“Crowding and inhumane living conditions inside the refugee camps on the Greek islands are the ideal factors for the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic” warn the Doctors Without Borders, in a recent announcement. And yet, the Greek government wastes millions to hire border patrols for keeping the borders of Evros sealed and pushing back boats arriving to the islands, and to imprison refugees with fences around the camps and the hiring of security companies. Meanwhile, they do not bother to hire doctors and nurses to upgrade the public health system, which is the only shield protecting the poor from the virus. For the asylum seekers, the migrants and refugees from the camps to the strawberry fields of Manolada, it is impossible to maintain even the most basic preventive measures, such as frequent hand washing, proper ventilation of closed spaces and frequent cleaning with disinfectants and cleaning products. Instead, in most camps, there are dozens of families living in tents, unable to enroll into programs for housing, social support and healthcare. Communicating with the 24hour Helpline of the National Public Health Organization, as the Ministry of health suggests, is obviously impossible for people living piled inside the concentration camps of shame. It is outrageously racist of the government to claim/pretend that the fast-tracked building of closed holding facilities, such as the ones at Kleidi, Serres and the Gerakini military camp at Malakasa, will act as a deterrent to the spread of the Coronavirus. As if the refugees were to blame for the pandemic. In reality, new closed holding facilities equal only to new death traps for the refugees, along with Amygdaleza, Corinth and Paranesti. We will not allow it! Public Health is NOT a personal responsibility, and above all is NOT a privilege of the few. To save our Public Health, and to put the lives of locals and migrants above their profits, we demand: Closing of the camps of shame, and transport of all refugees - documented and undocumented - to houses and hotels within the cities, with responsibility of the public and municipal care structures, along with mass hires of permanent staff. Free access to hospitals and all public sector services for everyone.
Sign the petition by filling the form below. Fields marked with * are required. If you want to participate to the activity of KEERFA, please fill telephone number and area so that a local commitee of KEERFA close to you can contact you.
«La promiscuité et les conditions de vie misérables dans les camps de réfugiés situés sur les îles grecques produisent les conditions idéales pour la propagation de l’épidémie du coronavirus», prévient Médecins sans Frontières, dans un communiqué récent. Pourtant le gouvernement gaspille des millions pour embaucher des garde-frontières, pour fermer la frontière de l’Evros, pour repousser les bateaux de réfugiés qui arrivent dans les îles, et pour enfermer des réfugié(e)s en créant des barrières autour des camps, et en payant des compagnies de sécurité, qui font de ces camps des ghettos inaccessibles. Dans le même temps, le gouvernement n’embauche aucun médecin et infirmier(e) pour renforcer le système de santé public, seul bouclier de protection de la grande majorité des pauvres contre le coronavirus. Pour les demandeurs d’asile, les immigré(e)s et les réfugié (e)s des camps, aussi bien que ceux qui travaillent dans les champs de fraises à Manolada, il est impossible de respecter les mesures de prévention ELEMENTAIRES, comme se laver souvent les mains, bien aérer les lieux intérieurs, éviter la promiscuité dans des lieux fermés, et procéder à des nettoyages réguliers avec des antiseptiques et des produits de nettoyage. Au contraire, dans la plupart des camps il y a encore des dizaines de familles qui vivent dans des tentes, sans pouvoir s’inscrire dans des programmes de logement, de soutien social et de soins médicaux. La communication téléphonique 24/24 avec le EODY, comme le conseille le Ministère de la Santé, est bien sûr impossible pour des gens qui sont entassés dans ces camps de la honte. Le gouvernement fait preuve d’un racisme extrême lorsqu’il prétend que la construction immédiate de structures fermées, comme à Kleidi près de Serres et le camp Gerakini à Malakasa, est un stratégie dissuasive contre la propagation du coronavirus. Comme si les réfugiés étaient responsables de la propagation de la pandémie. Au contraire, la construction de prisons fermées va avoir pour conséquence la propagation de nouveaux lieux-pièges, de morts et d’extermination des réfugié(e)s, en plus d’Amygdaleza, Corinthe et Paranesti. Nous ne les laisserons pas faire! La santé publique N’EST PAS une responsabilité individuelle et surtout elle N’EST PAS le privilège de certains. Afin de sauver la santé publique, afin de mettre la vie des habitant(e)s, Grecs et immigré (e)s avant leurs profits, nous exigeons :
- que ferment immédiatement les camps de la honte et que soient transférés les réfugié(e)s (enregistrés ou non) dans des maisons et des hôtels dans les villes, sous la responsabilité de structures municipales de soins, qui impliquent d’embaucher massivement du personnel en CDI.
- accès libre et gratuit pour tous et toutes dans les hôpitaux et tous les services sociaux!
Signez en remplissant la forme ci-dessous. Les champs marqués avec * sont requis. Si vous voulez ếtre contacté(e) par KEERFA et participer aux activités de la comité KEERFA la plus proche à vous, veuillez remplir aussi nr telephone et région.
Statement from Greek anti-racists: Protect refugees from coronavirus, March 14, 2020
KEERFA, the Movement United Against Racism and the Fascist Threat in Greece, has issued the statement below calling on the government to immediately transfer refugees and asylum seekers to safety in order to prevent a major health emergency in the detention camps.
Protesters in Greece carry signs reading “close down the concentration camps”
‣ Measures to protect refugees now!
‣ Shut down the concentration camps on the islands and the mainland immediately, to prevent the spread of coronavirus and limit the number of infections!
The overcrowding and miserable living conditions at refugee camps in the Greek islands are ideal conditions for the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, Doctors Without Borders warned in a recent statement. People’s health is in danger as long as they stay in these camps. The coronavirus is just the latest threat asylum seekers face, and their conditions makes them even more vulnerable than the rest of the population to an epidemic.
The need to evacuate camps in the Greek islands is now more urgent than ever. Forcing people to live in these conditions as part of a European policy has always been irresponsible, but now it is also on the verge of becoming criminal if no measures are taken to protect people. Doctors Without Borders says that the Greek government must act as quickly as possible and move the majority of the 42,000 people to suitable housing before it is too late.
Solidarity to refugees action in Warsaw Against the closure of the Greek-Turkish borders
Anout 100 people picketed the European Commission offices in Warsaw tonight against the brutality on the Greek-Turkish border. The Polish government has announced it is willing to send 100 police and 100 border guards to “protect Europe”. Among the slogans were “Solidarity with the refugees”, “Open the borders” and “Not in our name”. Lots of people took leaflets and posters for March 21.
Thousands were on the Women’s Day demonstration yesterday. It was saturated with leaflets for M21 and posters were given out as well.
Ten towns and cities in Poland are now definitely having a demonstration or some kind of action on M21.
We have translated the press release into Polish. It was accepted unanimously that we should sign it.
9 Μαρτίου στις 11:31 μ.μ.