On March 22, we rise up around the globe after Trump's inauguration to crush the threat of fascism and end the murder of migrant refugees at the border. Don't let the government cover up its crimes in Pylos, Tempi and police stations.
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in support of the relatives of the victims in Tempi to prevent from being covered up the murder of 57 students and workers, locals and migrants. These people stand with the families of the refugees who saw over 600 children, parents and siblings murdered in Pylos and are demanding justice.
In Tempi, they destroyed the crime scene and deleted video from cameras to cover up their crime. In Pylos, the cameras of the state-of-the-art chase boat they sent were not working! The cell phones of the eyewitness survivors initially disappeared and the authorities claim they were destroyed! The people in charge on the high floors were not questioned in either case! No cover-up, no more impunity for the killers at the border! Thirty thousand murdered in the last 15 years in the Mediterranean!
In Tempi, privatization has killed 57 of our fellow citizens. In Pylos, the racism of persecution and pushbacks, systematically organized by the government of New Democracy, brought the sinking of the refugee ship on 14/6/2023. The Coast Guard towed it with a rope to chase it to Italy, causing it to sink. For 15 hours, the Coast Guard and Frontex did not rescue the 750 refugees but sank it and recovered over 80 bodies and only 104 survivors.
For this crime, the trial in the Maritime Court is necessary now and the murderers must go to prison. All the evidence of the crime is in the hands of the authorities and they know the perpetrators. Mitsotakis, as he ran to make a "conclusion" of a cover-up for Tempi, did the same with Pylos, putting the responsibility on the refugees themselves, that they did not want to be saved!
On November 17th, we march with the workers and youth to kick out the government of the murderers of Pylos, Tempi and Mohamed Kamran, to overthrow the government of destruction, racism and war.
We are up in arms after the election of Trump in the USA, a friend of Mitsotakis, who is giving a boost to the far right everywhere. The Democrats have "reinvigorated" him by fully embracing the racist agenda, the fences, the deportations of immigrants, the police killings and the attack on the Palestine solidarity movement.
Put an end to the drownings in the Aegean and the Mediterranean.
Punishment of the murderers of Pylos.
We demand that, at last, the trial be held at the Maritime Court. All survivors must be given papers.
The ND government is giving everything for covering up its major crimes, such as those of Pylos and Tempi. The resistance is not letting it cover up its responsibilities for the Pylos wreck with its policies of pushback-pushbacks at the border.
ND failed to remove Andreas Pottakis from the post of Ombudsman and thus prevent the investigation that has begun. He failed to incriminate the nine Egyptian survivors who were brought to trial in Kalamata as traffickers and were solemnly acquitted. By denying asylum instead of papers to the survivors, he wants to silence the eyewitnesses of the Pylos crime.
The murderers of Mohammed Kamran in jail!
The murder of migrant delivery worker Mohamed Kamran at the Agios Panteleimon police station after torture will not go unpunished. The police murder migrants, the Coast Guard drowns refugees and throws babies into the sea. His fellow delinquents at the top of the march to the Agios Panteleimon police station showed the way to end the brutality from police stations to concentration camps and prisons.
Smash the fascists.
Κεερφα-Keerfa-Κίνηση Ενωμένοι Ενάντια στο Ρατσισμό και τη Φασιστική Απειλή
We express our condolences to the mother, wife and three children of Mohamed Kamran.
The gruesome images of Mohamed Kamran Asik's lifeless body from the inhuman torture at the hands of the humanguards of the police officers in the inferno of Agios Panteleimonas testify to the racist hate cultivated by the government of the neoliberal party of New Democracy. When it is not drowning refugees in Pylos and women and children in the Aegean Sea, it is torturing migrants to death in the police stations and shooting Roma in the camps. And with more audacity the police attempt a cover-up, as they are doing now, that they are even registering as homeless and that he does not speak Greek a man with a twenty-year stay in the country, with a residence permit since 2017, with a housing contract and stable employment with hundreds of days of social security at his jobs ...
From September 13 to September 21, when the ambulance picks him up dead from the Agios Panteleimon police station, Mohamed Kamran lives a midnight express in 5 police stations to end up dead in the last one. Before that, he passed through the police stations of Omonia, Patision, Kolonou and Galatsi. During all this time, he was not allowed any communication with his many relatives and his lawyer. These are the departments with a rich history of cooperation with Golden Dawn, with the Agios Panteleimonas police station that had been turned into a centre for the collective torture of refugees.
At the Agios Panteleimon police station, the cover-up is provocative. They kept him in the only place where there are no cameras (!!!) and they show him causing destruction in the area...The ambulance went for the first time a few hours after the detention to the Agios Panteleimon AT and left without taking him to a hospital. Three days later, how does a body full of wounds appear to have been driven to death?
It is inconceivable that the investigation should remain in the hands of the demons at the St. Panteleimon police station. We demand that the prosecutor's office take it over, that the St. Panteleimon Security Department be immediately excluded. We will appeal to the Ombudsman to proceed with an investigation, as he did with the drowning of 600 refugees in the Pylos shipwreck.
The responsibility for the murder is in the hands of Chrysochoidis and Mitsotakis with their racist policy of devaluing migrants and turning them into targets for every border guard and policeman.
We call on the trade unions, the student associations, the organisations of the left to escalate the struggles to put an end to the police racist brutality of the government, which is backing the genocide of the Palestinians, the government that has the crime of the 600 drowned refugees of Pylos in its hands.
The delivery workers of WOLD and EFOOD, supported by the Attica Food and Tourism Trade Union, are striking and demonstrating on 11 October.
We call on all migrant and local workers in this sector to participate en masse and demand along with all their demands that there be no cover-up of the murder of migrant delivery driver Mohamed Kamran.
The relatives are leaving for the burial of the deceased in Pakistan and for the family to mourn him. On their return, we call for a rally on Saturday, October 12, at Victoria Square ,at 2.30pm and a march to St. Panteleimon Police Station.
foto https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=919830133520247&set=pcb.919830466853547
On June 14th in the city of Lalamousa, at the Royal Palace Conference Centre, G.T. Lalamousa over 300 families of the victims of the Pylos shipwreck will hold a commemoration event and demand to know the truth and punish those responsible for this crime. Why was there no rescue by the Greek Coast Guard? Why was the boat was tied with a rope towards Italy and thus capsized? Why was not even a single life jacket thrown into the sea? And now what is happening? Will those responsible be punished? Will our people who are survivors get papers? Can we travel to Greece to ask for justice and compensation?
A crime that increases the pain in our hearts as our loved ones were lost and we never saw what happened to them. It was our people who emigrated in the hope of supporting our families.
Already lawyer Mr. Nassir Aslan has been engaged to represent our families in this legal fight for justice.
We have formed a 9-member committee of the victims' families to continue the struggle for justice.
We are aware and encouraged that in Greece and other countries in the one year since the shipwreck people are holding events in memory of the victims and demanding justice. We thank them.
Committee of 300 families of victims of the Pylos shipwreck, Pakistan
Mobilisation nationale et internationale
Punissez le gouvernement et FRONTEX pour le meurtre des 600 réfugiés à Pylos.
Nous sommes aux côtés des 600 familles pakistanaises, égyptiennes, syriennes et palestiniennes qui pleurent la perte de leurs proches qui se trouvaient à bord du navire Adriana et qui ont péri au fond de la Méditerranée, au large de la côte de Pylos, le 14 juin 2023.
Les survivants du naufrage rapportent que le bateau à bord duquel ils se trouvaient a coulé après avoir chaviré suite au remorquage forcé par le navire des garde-côtes pour être repoussé vers l'Italie.
Nous sommes à leurs côtés pour que justice soit faite ! Le gouvernement de la Nea Dimokratia et FRONTEX ont orchestré ce crime raciste à la frontière de l’Europe-forteresse. Nous ne laisserons pas ce crime impuni !
Que le procès ait lieu au plus tôt devant le tribunal maritime. Pas de dissimulation de la part du même gouvernement qui a caché les preuves à Tempi et rejeté la responsabilité sur le chef de gare et qui, à Pylos, s'est emparé des téléphones portables des réfugiés contenant les vidéos du naufrage tout en modifiant les témoignages des survivants. L'acquittement des 9 dans le procès de Kalamata n'est que le début !
Asile et logement pour les réfugiés. Non à l'Europe forteresse.
Nous appelons les syndicats et les associations d'étudiants à se tenir aux côtés des survivants et exiger la punition des assassins !
Athènes, Propyléa, 19h
Solidarity mobilization in Athens, on 20 May, at Syntagma, at 6pm.
Mobilization on 21 May, in Kalamata, Courthouse, 9am and march.
Acquit the 9 survivors of the Pylos shipwreck at the Kalamata trial
Punish the government and FRONTEX for the murder of 600 refugees in Pylos
Abolish the racist EU Pact, open borders for refugees
The trial of the 9 survivors of the Pylos shipwreck is a crude government intervention to shift the blame for the murder of 600 refugees onto the victims themselves, to cover up its crime. It will not pass!
Six hundred families in Pakistan, Egypt, Syria and Palestine are mourning the loss of their loved ones who were on board the Adriana ship and ended up at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, off Pylos, on June 14, 2023.
The survivors of the shipwreck report that the raft they were on sank after capsizing caused by being forcibly towed by a Coast Guard vessel to be pushed forward to Italy. We are on their side!
It was murder! It is the most horrific racist crime on the borders of fortress Europe since World War II and we will not let it go unpunished!
Champion in covering up the crime of crash train at Tempi, the government of New Democracy is now trying to cover up the responsibilities of the Ministries of Immigration, Citizen Protection, the Ministry of Shipping and the Coast Guard in the crime of Pylos. While in Tempi they have blocked the crime scene and in Pylos, they grabbed the mobile phones of the victims for the government, in the first case the station master is to blame and in the second, the victims themselves who were in danger on the ferry!
It is defiantly attempting to pin the blame on nine survivors and puts them on trial, on 21 May, in Kalamata, on charges of causing a shipwreck, trafficking in migrants and criminal organisation. It is a scandalous prosecution, a continuation of the trial-conviction industry, which has filled prisons with thousands of migrants by dubbing them traffickers. The same Mitsotakis who blamed the murder in Tempi on a human error of the stationmaster, blamed the shipwreck on the victims who did not want to be rescued(!) while in the deadly fire of Dadia he blamed the refugees as arsonists while 27 were burnt alive!!!
They are racists and murderers! We will not let them cover up their crimes and open up to the far right by releasing the leader of Golden Dawn Michaloliakos!
We stand with the victims, the survivors and their families who demand justice. The real culprits, the government, the Coast Guard and Frontex, must be punished.
Open borders for refugees, asylum and papers. Closed border policies have cost over 20,000 drowned refugees in the Mediterranean since 2015. These policies have been transformed by the EU into the most racist Migration and Asylum Pact, paving the way for the rise of the far right and fascists in Greece and Europe.
Time to put an end to the horror of persecution and murder at the borders! Refugees, women and children are welcome with rights.
We call on you to coordinate and act united:
To stop the cover-up of the crime of Pylos, to punish the murderers, justice for the victims of the Pylos shipwreck! For open borders for refugees, asylum and papers for migrants and refugees.
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Calling: Survivors and relatives of victims of the Pylos shipwreck,
KEERFA-Movement United Against Racism and the Fascist Threat.
One year since the shipwreck of Pylos.
It was a crime, it was murder the drowning of 600 refugees!
Punish the government and FRONTEX for the crime of Pylos.
Stop racist attacks against migrant workers
Legalize all migrants, without conditions, by removing the racist restrictions of the Kairidis amendment.
Freedom for Palestine!
May the 1st is a strike against the exploitation of workers, racism, the fascist threat, sexism and war. It is a day of solidarity with the people of Palestine who are resisting the genocide by the terrorist state of Israel and winning the support of students on America's campuses.
It is a day of confrontation with a system and a government that premiumizes racism. Against the policies of closed borders and persecution that have cost the lives of over 600 refugees in Pylos and 27 in Dadia. We stand with the victims, the survivors and their families who demand justice. Their vindication will come with the punishment of the murderers of the government and Frontex.
Against the fortress Europe, which with the most racist Immigration and Asylum Pact paves the way for the rise of the far-right and fascists in Europe, while more than 20,000 refugees have drowned in the Mediterranean since 2015.
Κεερφα-Keerfa-Κίνηση Ενωμένοι Ενάντια στο Ρατσισμό και τη Φασιστική ΑπειλήSix hundred and fifty families in Pakistan, Egypt, Syria and Palestine mourn the loss of their loved ones who were on board the ship Adriana and ended up at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea off Pylos on 14 June 2023.
The survivors of the shipwreck complain that their raft sank after it capsized after being forcibly towed by a Coast Guard vessel to be pushed back to Italy. We are on their side!
It was murder!
It is the most horrific racist crime on the borders of fortress Europe after WWII and we will not let it go unpunished!
The government of the New Democracy, the champion in covering up the crime of Tempi, is trying to cover up their responsibilities and those of the Ministry of Shipping and the Coast Guard in the crime of Pylos, this time placing the blame on nine survivors. 9 survivors are brought to trial on 21 May in Kalamata on charges of causing a shipwreck, migrant trafficking and criminal organization.
We stand by the victims, the survivors and their families who are seeking justice. To punish the real culprits, the government, the Coast Guard, Frontex.
For open borders for refugees, asylum and papers.
Closed border policies have cost over 20,000 drowned refugees in the Mediterranean since 2015. It is the policies that pave the way for the rise of the far right and fascists in Greece and Europe.
We must finally put an end to the horrors of murder at the borders! Refugees, women and children are welcome with rights and not with persecution.
Κεερφα-Keerfa-Κίνηση Ενωμένοι Ενάντια στο Ρατσισμό και τη Φασιστική Απειλή
Six cent cinquante familles pakistanaises, égyptiennes, syriennes et palestiniennes pleurent la perte de leurs proches qui se trouvaient à bord du bateau Adriana et qui ont fini au fond de la Méditerranée, au large de Pylos, le 14 juin 2023.
Les survivants du naufrage se plaignent que leur bateau a coulé après avoir chaviré après avoir été remorqué de force par un navire des garde-côtes pour être repoussé vers l'Italie. Nous sommes de leur côté !
C'est un meurtre ! C'est le crime raciste le plus horrible aux frontières de l'Europe - forteresse depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale - et nous ne le laisserons pas impuni !
Le gouvernement de la Nea Dimokratia, champion de la dissimulation du crime de Tempi, tente de dissimuler les responsabilités du ministère de la Marine et des garde-côtes en ce qui concerne le crime de Pylos, en rejetant cette fois la faute sur neuf survivants. Neuf survivants qui seront jugés le 21 mai à Kalamata pour provocation de naufrage, trafic de migrants et organisation criminelle.
Nous sommes aux côtés des victimes, des survivants et de leurs familles qui demandent justice. Pour punir les vrais coupables, le gouvernement, les garde-côtes, Frontex. Pour des frontières ouvertes aux réfugiés, l'asile et des papiers.
Les politiques de fermeture des frontières ont coûté plus de 20 000 vies de réfugiés noyés en Méditerranée depuis 2015.
Children drown in Chios, in the EU the murderers of Pylos imposed the new racist Immigration and Asylum Pact
On the day of the new tragic shipwreck off the coast of Chios with three more drowned refugee children, the EU is running to multiply death barriers like those that led to the crime of Pylos last year and the murder of over 600 refugees by the Greek government, the Coast Guard and FRONTEX.
The vote in the European Parliament for the most reactionary and racist EU Μigration and Asylum Pact comes to institutionalize the appalling murderous practices of FRONTEX, the barbaric practices of the border guards and coastguards of the Mediterranean countries, the policies of pushbacks, fences and concentration camps, the policies of cooperation with Turkey, Libya and Tunisia, which have turned the Mediterranean into a liquid graveyard for more than 20. 000 refugees from 2015 to date.
The government of the New Democracy, which pioneered the criminal policy of turning away refugees, i.e. those persecuted by dictatorships, wars, hunger and the climate crisis, prides itself on its contribution to this abomination.
Like all EU governments, the New Democracy government has turned racism and Islamophobia into a strategic choice to disorientate the outraged and revolting people against the rampant corporate profit chase that destroys the lives and environment of millions, against wars that put the burden of armaments on the backs of the poor. It is the other side of the Stability Pact that slashes wages and social spending on education and health, while wasting billions on armaments and fences.
This Pact is a poisonous shuttle that strikes at the heart of the right to asylum and at the same time paves the way for mass deportations of migrants, even to non-EU countries, naming them «safe third countries», such as Libya and Egypt and even Rwanda.
These policies pave the way for the far right and fascists - like those AfD cadres who met in Potsdam in Germany with Austrian Nazis and industrialists, where they discussed ways of mass deportations of millions of migrants who did not fit the standards of "the values of Western Christian civilization".
Abolish the EU's racist Μigration and Asylum Pact.
Refugees are welcome. Refugee lives matter. No life is clandestine.
We are fighting to end the murderous policies of the racist EU fortress that drowns refugees.
We are fighting for open borders, for fences to come down, for concentration camps to close , for asylum and papers for refugees and migrants. For the murderers of the 600 refugees of the Pylos shipwreck to go to jail, a crime in the hands of the Greek government, the Coast Guard and FRONTEX.
We call for mass participation in the General Strike on 17 April and in the demonstration at 10.30am in Klathmonos Square.
We call for an escalation of the action of the refugee solidarity movement on the one year anniversary of the Pylos shipwreck, across Europe on 14 June 2024, for justice for the victims of the Pylos shipwreck, oppose the plans of the government of the murderers to pass the responsibility of the mass murder of Pylos to the nine refugee survivors who are on trial on 21 May in Kalamata.
DEMONSTRATION 16 March, Omonia 3pm
World day against racism and fascism
Open borders for refugees
Guilty of the Pylos crime in prison
Neo-Nazis in jail for life
Free Palestine
Back the frigate from the Red Sea
On March 16th we rise up all over the Planet to end the horror of mass murders at the borders of Fortress Europe, to end racism, the fascist threat, to stop the massacre in Palestine!
It is time for the river of rage that flowed out on 28 February and through the 8 March strike to take to the streets again on 16 March to punish the racist crimes and mass murders of the government!
The murderers of 57 people, young children in Temp, drowned 600 refugees in Pylos and left 27 refugees to burn alive in Dadia in Evros! No cover-up of the crimes of the Coast Guard and police at the borders.
The court acquitted the migrants slandered by Mitsotakis as arsonists in Dadia. We demand the acquittal of the 9 shipwrecked refugees of Pylos who are being prosecuted so that the crimes of the Coast Guard, which pushed their boat to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, can be put on their shoulders. We demand justice, asylum and vindication for the families of the refugees by punishing the Coast Guard.
Open borders is a battle to defend the lives of those persecuted by wars, dictatorships, climate crisis and poverty.
In France, the head of FRONTEX, Leggeri, who brazenly covered up refugee drownings and refoulements, is running for the European elections with Le Pen's fascist party! And this when the EU has prepared the new racist Immigration and Asylum Pact which legitimises the murderous border guards and trashes the right to asylum. The far right can be defeated as Golden Dawn was defeated and crushed, with mass strikes, united anti-fascist action and a confrontation with Islamophobia that turns migrants into scapegoats for the bankrupt policies of governments.
We do not forget that the same government murderers who build fences and close the borders left them wide open for Croatian Nazis to reach out to find their accomplices and murder Michael Katsouris in New Philadelphia.
A few days later a group of fascists murdered migrant worker Sizar Shaftar in Rizoupoli. The government unsuccessfully attempted to ban antifascist demonstrations against the international fascist occupation in Heraklion on November 1 and allowed fascists to beat up young people at the metro station in Thiseio.
We do not forget that police revolvers killed the Roma Kostas Fragoulis, Christos Michalopoulos and Nikos Sambanis.
While the government is drowning refugees at sea, it proceeds with the Kairidis amendment, a legalization of a few, taking into account the needs of businessmen and not of migrants who demand legalization and equal rights.
At the same time Chrysochoidis is bringing back racist broom operations in the centre of Athens instead of releasing the thousands of migrants detained in prisons just because they don't have papers. The labour movement and youth have every reason to demand legalisation for all without conditions. Poverty, high food prices, high rents are the fault of business profits, not of migrants.
On 16 March we will demonstrate and in the front line will be the survivors of the Pylos shipwreck, the strikers of hospitals, education, municipalities, the students who occupied for two months the universities. It is the movement that is demanding salary increases, jobs for all, money for education and health care, but also open borders, no fences, no armaments for massacres in Gaza. Migrant communities and with them the solidarity movements, Amnesty International. It will be the Palestinian community and the Stop the War Alliance.
We have the power to make March 16 a day of confrontation with the government of the murderers of Pylos who are backing the fascists, to make it a thing of the past!
Journée mondiale contre le racisme et le fascisme
Frontières ouvertes pour les réfugié(e)s
Les coupables du crime de Pylos en prison
Les néo-nazis en prison à vie
Liberté pour la Palestine
Faites revenir la frégate de la mer Rouge
Le 16 mars, nous nous soulevons partout dans le monde pour mettre fin à l'horreur des meurtres de masse aux frontières de l’Europe-forteresse, pour mettre fin au racisme, à la menace fasciste, pour arrêter le massacre en Palestine !
Il est temps que la colère qui s'est exprimée le 28 février et après la grève du 8 mars va descendre à nouveau dans la rue le 16 mars pour punir les crimes racistes et les crimes de masse du gouvernement !
Les assassins de 57 personnes, de jeunes à Tempi, ont aussi noyé 600 réfugiés à Pylos et ont laissé 27 réfugiés brûler vifs à Dadia dans l'Evros ! Les crimes des garde-côtes et des gardes-frontières ne doivent pas être couverts.
Le tribunal a acquitté les immigrés calomniés par Mitsotakis comme étant des incendiaires à Dadia. Nous demandons l'acquittement des 9 réfugiés naufragés de Pylos qui sont poursuivis pour les crimes des garde-côtes, qui ont poussé leur bateau au fond de la Méditerranée. Nous demandons la justice, l'asile et la réparation pour les familles des réfugiés et la condamnation des garde-côtes. L'ouverture des frontières est une lutte pour défendre la vie de ceux qui sont persécutés par les guerres, les dictatures, la crise climatique et la pauvreté.
En France, le chef de FRONTEX, Leggeri, qui a effrontément couvert les noyades et les refoulements de réfugiés, se présente aux élections européennes avec le parti fasciste de Marine Le Pen ! Et ce, alors que l'UE a préparé le nouveau pacte raciste sur l'immigration et l'asile qui légitime les gardes-frontières meurtriers et bafoue le droit d'asile. L'extrême droite peut être vaincue comme Aube dorée a été vaincue et écrasée, avec des grèves de masse, une action antifasciste unie et la lutte contre l'islamophobie qui transforme les migrants en boucs émissaires pour les politiques de faillite des gouvernements.
Nous n'oublions pas que les mêmes gouvernements assassins qui construisent des clôtures et ferment les frontières les ont laissées grandes ouvertes pour que les nazis croates puissent trouver leurs collaborateurs et assassiner Michalis Katsouris à Nea Philadelphia.
Quelques jours plus tard, un groupe de fascistes a assassiné le travailleur migrant Shizar Shaftar à Rizoupoli. Le gouvernement a tenté en vain d'interdire les manifestations antifascistes contre le rassemblement international fasciste à Héraklion le 1er novembre et a permis aux fascistes de tabasser des jeunes à la gare de Thissio.
Nous n'oublions pas que les armes de la police ont tué les Roms Kostas Fragoulis, Christos Michalopoulos et Nikos Sambanis.
Le gouvernement, tout en noyant les réfugiés dans la mer, procède à l'amendement du ministre Kairidis, une légalisation au compte-gouttes, prenant en compte les besoins des patrons et non ceux des migrants qui demandent la légalisation et l'égalité des droits.
Dans le même temps, le ministre Chrysochoidis rétablit les opérations racistes skoupa dans le centre d'Athènes au lieu de libérer les milliers de migrants détenus à Amygdaleza simplement parce qu'ils n'ont pas de papiers. Le mouvement syndical et la jeunesse ont toutes les raisons d'exiger la légalisation pour tous sans conditions. Les profits des patrons sont responsables de la pauvreté, et des loyers élevés, pas les immigrés.
Le 16 mars, nous manifesterons et en première ligne se trouveront les survivants du naufrage de Pylos, les grévistes des hôpitaux, de l'éducation, des municipalités, les étudiants mobilises. C'est le mouvement qui revendique des augmentations, des embauches, de l'argent pour l'éducation et la santé, mais aussi les frontières ouvertes, non aux armements pour les massacres à Gaza. Nous manifesterons avec les communautés de migrants et avec eux les mouvements de solidarité, Amnesty International, ainsi que la communauté palestinienne et l'Alliance Stop the War.
Nous avons le pouvoir de faire du 16 mars une journée d’affrontement pour en finir avec le gouvernement responsable du crime de Pylos, et qui soutient les fascistes!
Κεερφα-Keerfa-Κίνηση Ενωμένοι Ενάντια στο Ρατσισμό και τη Φασιστική ΑπειλήThe drowning of 650 refugees is a mass murder caused by the New Democracy government and by it’s implementation of the closed borders policies of Fortress Europe
Let's fight for open borders, for the fence to come down, and for asylum for all refugees
Thousands demonstrated yesterday in Athens and other cities taking to the streets in outrage over the horrific crime committed near Pylos. The shipwreck of 750 refugees including over 100 children. Anger flares as survivors reveal the circumstances that led to the sinking.
We have 78 bodies of refugees in the mortuary of Schistos and 104 survivors have been arrested and referred to Malakasa for identification.
But above all, we have hundreds of missing people, bringing the number of drowning deaths to 650.
This is the biggest racist crime of the closed borders policy of Fortress Europe, since the shipwrecks in Lampedusa in 2013. The Coast Guard with the political direction of deterrence and pushbacks imposed by the New Democracy government is responsible for the sinking of the ship. Not only did they not rescue those on this ship that had put out a distress call, they did not go with lifeboats but they went instead with ropes in order to tow the boat out of Greece's area of rescue responsibility pushing it to either Malta or Italy. The testimonies of the survivors refute the shameful lies of the Coast Guard officials who claimed that the refugees themselves did not want to be rescued and that they did not tow the boat.
KEERFA-Movement United Against Racism and the Fascist Threat
Antifascist demonstration, Tuesday 17/1, Merkouri Square 6 pm
Antifascist demonstration at the Golden Dawn trial, Friday 13/1, 8.30am, Court of Appeal, Alexandra avenue
In prison Golden Dawn Nazi murderers, Refugees welcome, legalize all migrants
On January 17, 2013, it will be ten years since the brutal murder of the migrant worker Shahzat Luqman in Petralona, with seven stab wounds by nazis of Golden Dawn Liakopoulos and Stergiopoulos. The fascists chased him with a motorcycle while he was commuting to work by bicycle from his home in Peristeri to the laiki market in Petralona. Eight months later, the nazis of Golden Dawn murdered Pavlos Fyssa in Keratsini. The anti-fascist outburst of anger put an end to Golden Dawn’s immunity.
The government of Samaras and Venizelos had paved the way for Golden Dawn to enter the Parliament in 2012, with ELAS's racist sweep operations against immigrants, ELAS's collaboration with the Nazis and the cover-up of attacks and pogroms of the assault battalions in the neighborhoods.
The jailing of the killers of Shahjat Luqman, with the first recognition of a racist motive, was a strong foreshadowing of the condemnation of the Golden Dawn as a criminal organization in October 2020. The anti-fascist movement crushed the fascists, expelled the assault battalions and offices while the refugee solidarity movement welcomed the persecuted and help to open the doors of the schools for their children.